Galactic Gas Models Systematically Affect Diffusive Halo Height Models

Observations of radioactive secondary ratios (e.g., 10Be/9Be) which are produced when two secondary isotopes are formed in known abundance ratios, provide excellent cosmic clocks, due to the fact that the abundance ratio predictably changes as a function of time. This is potentially of great interest, because it allows for detailed measurements of cosmic-ray diffusion throughout the Milky Way halo. We point out a critical, but previous unappreciated systematic, the very local distribution of galactic gas, which signifcantly inhibits our ability to use isotopic ratios to study galactic diffusion. Because the best isotopic ratio measurements are produced at low energies (where magnetic fields can best descrminate between particles of different masses), the radioactive component necessarily propagates only a short distance in the galaxy, and our observations are highly biased towards very local gas structures. We show that utilizing detailed spiral arms models can change our best-fit constraints on the galactic halo height by a factor of 4, indicating that more detailed understanding of local gas is necessary in order to take advantage of upcoming isotopic measurements.

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X-Ray Constraints on Dark Photon Tridents

We investigate models where keV dark photons compose the dark matter. Such photons can kinetically couple and decay into standard model particles. At masses below twice the electron mass, most standard model final states are kinematically inaccessible, making the dominant decay path the decay into a three-photon trident. This produces a unique spectral signature in x-ray observations. We utilize 16 years of INTEGRAL data to set world leading constraints on the dark photon kinetic coupling at energies between 90 keV up to 1 MeV. Our results exceed current direct detection bounds by orders of magnitude, especially at energies above 200 keV, and improve previous x-ray constraints by up to a factor of 100.

The Dark Main Sequence

Dark Matter can accumulate and annihilate within stars, depositing energy in the stellar core which travels outward and provides pressure support and eventually thermal radiation. This process is qualitatively identical to fusion, and in regions with very high dark matter densities (such as the galactic center) the dark matter induced power can exceed nuclear fusion to produce a dark matter powered star. We show that stars powered by dark matter are situated along a dark Hertzsprung-Russel diagram, with properties similar to, but observationally separable from the the standard Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram of fusion powered stars. Two important observables are: (1) an extremely top-heavy initial mass function, as the lowest mass stars are predominantly disrupted while heavier main sequence stars become effectively immortal due to the limitless dark matter fuel, (2) two new dark branches of stars situated along the Henyey and Hayashi tracks, which would not be normally observable in standard stellar evolution.

Detecting Gamma-rays from Young Stellar Clusters in the Milky Way

We detect GeV gamma-ray emission from the young star forming region RCW 38. Because this cluster is only 500 kyr old, it does not have any supernovae or pulsars capable of producing the gamma-ray emission. Thus, our analysis indicates that young stellar objects are themselves capable of efficiently accelerating cosmic-rays to GeV energies. By comparing gamma-ray and x-ray observations, we find that thermal pressure significantly exceeds cosmic-ray pressure in the dense cluster environment.

Prospects for Antinuclei Detection in Light of Antiproton Limits

AMS-02 has tentatively observed a handful of heavy antinuclei events most consistent with a flux of antihelium nuclei that exceeds the expected flux from cosmic-ray propagation models. We pproduce updated models of cosmic-ray propagation that correctly take into account recently updated nuclear cross-section measurements and observational constraints from recently released AMS-02 data. We find that standard astrophysical production models should produce no more than ~0.1 antihelium events, and approximately 1 antideutron event. Dark Matter annihilation can produce a larger antinuclei flux, with an expectation of approximately 1 event for standard annihilation models, but potentially many more events if optimistic models of Lambda-b driven antihelium production are accurate. If any antihelium-4 is discovered, novel physics is required.

Using Celestial Bodies to Search for Dark Photon-Photon Tridents

We analyze a novel signal, the annihilation of dark matter through a low-mass dark photon mediator into a trident of three gamma-rays. This produces a hard spectral signal which is unique compared to other gamma-ray indirect detection targets. Moreover, the dark photon may be long lived, allowing it to escape from celestial bodies. We peform a detailed analysis of the dark photon-photon trident signal and then analyze gamma-ray data on both solar system and galactic center targets, placing strong limits on the dark matter/baryon coupling in such scenarios.

Antiprotons Constrain Dark Matter Annihilation

Numerous studies over the last 8 years have argued about the potential evidence for dark matter annihilation in the spectral features of AMS-02 antiproton data. We perform a highly advanced analysis using the DRAGON2 cosmic-ray propagation code, taking into account systematic uncertainties in both AMS-02 data and the antiproton production cross-sections. We constrain our cosmic-ray propagation models via a detailed fit to multiple cosmic-ray primary-to-secondary ratios. We find no statistically significant evidence for an excess that can be attributed to dark matter annihilation, and set strong and robust constraints on the dark matter annihilation cross-section. We do find slight, but in this case not statistically significant, evidence for a spectral feature around 66 GeV, in agreement with previous works.

Dark Matter Constraints from S-Stars Near Sgr A*

Observations have revealed a cluster (known as the S-Cluster) of star which travel extremely close to Sgr A* during their highly eccentric orbits. In models where dark matter accumulates in stellar interiors and then annihilates, dark matter annihilation could significantly affect the energetics of these stars. We find three observable phenomena: (1) dark matter annihilation can prevent stars from initially forming near Sgr A*, they must instead migrate from large distances, (2) dark matter annihilation can partially replace nuclear fusion, slowing down stellar evolution, (3) large dark matter annihilation rates can potentially disrupt the star, causing it to expand and cool off of the main sequence.

Ursa Major III Strongly Constrains Dark Matter Annihilation

Ursa Major III is a recently discovered stellar cluster that currently stands as the smallest Milky Way cluster that has ever been discovered. Observations indicate that the cluster would not be stable unless it was gravitationally supported by a large dark matter halo. This, in combination with its proximity, indicates that it might be the optimal target for dark matter indirect detection searches. We search for gamma-rays from Ursa Major III using 15 years of Fermi-LAT data and find no gamma-ray signal. This sets strong constraints on dark matter annihilation in Ursa Major III, which can be translated to very strong limits on the dark matter annihilation cross-section if the high dark matter density of the satellite is confirmed.

IGRB Limits on Dark Matter Cusps

Recent work has indicated that prompt ``cusps" containing highly compact dark matter structures can be produced in the early universe and survive until the present day throughout most of the galactic and extragalactic volume. In such scenarios, these cusps can dominate the total dark mattter annihilation rate of the universe due to their compact nature. This changes the morphology of the expected dark matter signal, making it more isotropic. We produce a new model for the isotropic gamma-ray background flux using 14 years of Fermi-LAT observations, and set strong constraints on dark matter annihilation in these scenarios, ruling out standard thermal models annihilation to bb up to masses of 120 GeV.

Full Publication List:

113. Galactic Gas Models Strongly Affect the Determination of the Diffusive Halo Height
Pedro De la Torre Luque, Tim Linden
To Be Submitted to JCAP

112. X-Ray Constraints on Dark Photon Tridents
Tim Linden, Thong Nguyen, Tim Tait
To Be Submitted

111. Dark Branches of Immortal Stars at the Galactic Center
Isabelle John, Rebecca Leane, Tim Linden
To Be Submitted

110. Gamma-ray Emission from a Young Star Cluster in the Star-Forming Region RCW 38
Paarmita Pandey, Laura Lopez, Anna Rosen, Todd Thompson, Tim Linden, Ian Blackstone, Lachlan Lancaster
Submited to ApJ

109. Cosmic-Ray Propagation Models Elucidate the Prospects for Antinuclei Detection
Pedro De la Torre Luque, Martin Winkler, Tim Linden
To Be Submitted to JCAP

108. Indirect Searches for Dark Photon-Photon Tridents in Celestial Objects
Tim Linden, Thong Nguyen, Tim Tait
To Be Submitted

107. Antiproton Bounds on Dark Matter Annihilation from a Combined Analysis Using the DRAGON2 Code
Pedro De la Torre Luque, Martin Winkler, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10.1088 104 2024

106. Dark Matter Scattering Constraints from Observations of Stars Surrounding Sgr A*
Isabelle John, Rebecca Leane, Tim Linden
Accepted by Physical Review D

105. Strong Constraints on Dark Matter Annihilation in Ursa Major III/UNIONS 1
Milena Crnogorčević, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 109 8 083018 (2024)

104. Limits on dark matter annihilation in prompt cusps from the isotropic gamma-ray background
M. Sten Delos, Michael Korsmeier, Axel Widmark, Carlos Blanco, Tim Linden, Simon White
Physical Review D 109 8 083512 (2024)

103. On the Neutrino and Gamma-Ray Emission from NGC 1068
Carlos Blanco, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Elena Pinetti
To Be Submitted

102. Accurate Inverse-Compton Models Strongly Enhance Leptophilic Dark Matter Signals
Isabelle John, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 108 10 103022

101. Where are the Cascades from Blazar Jets? An Emerging Tension in the Gamma-Ray Sky
Carlos Blanco, Oindrila Ghosh, Sunniva Jacobsen, Tim Linden
Submitted to PRL

100. On the gamma-ray emission from the core of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy
Addy Evans, Louis Strigari, Oskar Svenborn, Andrea Albert, Pat Harding, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Andrew Pace
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 524 3 4574

99. The Cherenkov Telescope Array Will Test Whether Pulsars Generate the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
Celeste Keith, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 107 10, 103001

98. The TeV Sun Rises: Discovery of Gamma rays from the Quiescent Sun with HAWC
HAWC Collaboration
Physical Review Letters 131, 051201 (2023)

97. Cosmic Ray Antihelium from a Strongly Coupled Dark Sector
Martin Winkler, Pedro De la Torre Luque, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 107 12 123035 (2023)

96. White Dwarfs in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies: A New Class of Compact-Dark-Matter Detectors
Juri Smirnov, Ariel Goobar, Tim Linden, Edvard Mörtsell
Physical Review Letters 132 15 151401 (2024)

95. Weighing the Local Interstellar Medium using Gamma Rays and Dust
Axel Widmark, Michael Korsmeier, Tim Linden
Physical Review Letters 130 161002 (2023)

94. Pulsars Do Not Produce Sharp Features in the Cosmic-Ray Electron and Positron Spectra
Isabelle John, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 107 10, 103021 (2023)

93. Anisotropic diffusion cannot explain TeV halo observations
Pedro De la Torre Luque, Ottavio Fornieri, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 106 123033

92. The Sensitivity of Future Gamma-Ray Telescopes to Primordial Black Holes
Celeste Keith, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Rayne Liu
Physical Review D 106 (2022) 4, 043003

91. Constraining Axion-Like Particles with HAWC Observations of TeV Blazars
Sunniva Jacobsen, Tim Linden, Katherine Freese
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10 009

90. Extraterrestrial Axion Search with the Breakthrough Listen Galactic Center Survey
Joshua Foster, Samuel Witte, Matthew Lawson, Tim Linden, Vishal Gajjar, Christoph Weniger, Ben Safdi
Physial Review Letters 129, 251102 (2022)

89. Self-Generated Cosmic-Ray Turbulence Can Explain the Morphology of TeV Halos
Payel Mukhopadhyay, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 105, 123008

88. Dark Matter Microhalos in the Solar Neighborhood: Pulsar Timing Signatures of Early Matter Domination
Sten Delos, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 105 123514

87. Cosmic-Ray Positrons Strongly Constrain Leptophilic Dark Matter
Isabelle John, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 12 2021 007

86. Response to Comment on: "Dark Matter Annihilation Can Produce a Detectable Antihelium Flux through Λb Decays
Martin Winkler, Tim Linden
ArXiv Only

85. Gamma-Rays from Star Forming Activity Appear to Outshine Misaligned Active Galactic Nuclei
Carlos Blanco, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02 003

84. First Analysis of Jupiter in Gamma Rays and a New Search for Dark Matter
Rebecca Leane, Tim Linden
Physical Review Letters 131 7 071001

83. Evidence of TeV Halos Around Millisecond Pulsars
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 105, 103013

82. Celestial-Body Focused Dark Matter Annihilation Throughout the Galaxy
Rebecca Leane, Tim Linden, Payel Mukhopadhyay, Natalia Toro
Physical Review D, 103 (2021) 7

81. The Highest Energy HAWC Sources are Leptonic and Powered by Pulsars
Takahiro Sudoh, Tim Linden, Dan Hooper
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 08 (2021) 010

80. First Observations of Solar Disk Gamma Rays over a Full Solar Cycle
Tim Linden, John Beacom, Annika Peter, Benjamin Buckman, Bei Zhao, Guanying Zhu
Physical Review D 105 (2022) 6, 063013

79. Constraining the Charge-Sign and Rigidity-Dependence of Solar Modulation
Ilias Cholis, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 10 051

78. Dark Matter Annihilation Can Produce a Detectable Antihelium Flux through Λb Decays
Martin Wolfgang Winkler, Tim Linden
Physical Review Letters 126 101101

77. Millisecond Pulsars Modify the Radio-SFR Correlation in Quiescent Galaxies
Takahiro Sudoh, Tim Linden, John Beacom
Physical Review D 103 083017

76. Anti-Deuterons and Anti-Helium Nuclei from Annihilating Dark Matter
Ilias Cholis, Tim Linden, Dan Hooper
Physical Review D 102 103019

75. Breaking a Dark Degeneracy: The gamma-ray signature of early matter domination
M. Sten Delos, Tim Linden, Adrienne Erickcek
Physical Review D 100 123546

74. Cosmic Rays and Magnetic Fields in the Core and Halo of the Starbust M82: Implications for Galactic Wind Physics
Benjamin Buckman, Tim Linden, Todd Thompson
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 494 2679

73. A Robust Method for Treating Astrophysical Mismodeling in Dark Matter Annihilation Searches of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
Tim Linden
Physical Review D 043017

72. A Robust Excess in the Cosmic-Ray Antiproton Spectrum: Implications for Annihilating Dark Matter
Ilias Cholis, Tim Linden, Dan Hooper
Physical Review D 99 103026

71. TeV Halos are Everywhere: Prospects for New Discoveries
Takahiro Sudoh, Tim Linden, John Beacom
Physical Review D 100 043016

70. Active Galactic Nuclei and the Origin of IceCube’s Diffuse Neutrino Flux
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Abby Vieregg
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 02 012

69. Constraints on Spin-Dependent Dark Matter Scattering with Long-Lived Mediators from TeV Observations of the Sun with HAWC
HAWC Collaboration
Physical Review D 98 123012

68. First HAWC Observations of the Sun Constrain Steady TeV Gamma-Ray Emission
HAWC Collaboration
Physical Review D 98 123011

67. Self-Generated Cosmic-Ray Confinement in TeV Halos: Implications for TeV γ-ray Emission and the Positron Excess
Carmelo Evoli, Tim Linden, Giovanni Morlino
Physical Review D 98 063017

66. Evidence for Cosmic-Ray Escape in the Small Magellanic Cloud using Fermi Gamma-rays
Laura Lopez, Katie Auchettl, Tim Linden, Alberto Bolatto, Todd Thompson, Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz
The Astrophysical Journal 867 44

65. An Unexpected Dip in the Solar Gamma-Ray Spectrum
Qing-Wen Tang, Kenny Ng, Tim Linden, Bei Zhou, John Beacom, Annika Peter
Physical Review D, 98 063019

64. Millisecond Pulsars, TeV Halos, and Implications for the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 98 043005

63. Evidence for a New Component of High-Energy Solar Gamma-Ray Production
Tim Linden, Bei Zhou, John Beacom, Annika Peter, Kenny Ng, Qing-Wen Tang
Physical Review Letters 121 131103

62. Measuring the Local Diffusion Coefficient with HESS Observations of High-Energy Electrons
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 98 083009

61. Comment on "Characterizing the Population of Pulsars in the Galactic Bulge with the Fermi Large Area Telescope" [arXiv: 1705.00009v1]
Richard Bartels, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Nick Rodd, Ben Safdi, Tracy Slatyer
Physics of the Dark Universe 20 88 2018

60. Pulsar TeV Halos Explain the TeV Excess Observed by Milagro
Tim Linden, Ben Buckman
Physical Review Letters 120 121101

59. Searching for Dark Matter with Neutron Star Mergers and Quiet Kilonovae
Joe Bramante, Tim Linden, Yu-Dai Tsai
Physical Review D 97 055016

58. TeV Gamma Rays from Galactic Center Pulsars
Dan Hooper, Ilias Cholis, Tim Linden
Physics of the Dark Universe 21 40 2018

57. IceCube and HAWC Constraints on Very-High-Energy Emission from the Fermi Bubbles
Ke Fang, Meng Su, Tim Linden, Kohta Murase
Physical Review D 96 123007

56. Dark Kinetic Heating of Neutron Stars: An Infrared Window On WIMPs, SIMPs, and Higgsinos
Masha Baryakhtar, Joe Bramante, Shirley Li, Tim Linden, Nirmal Raj
Physical Review Letters 119 131801

55. Using HAWC to Detect Invisible Pulsars
Tim Linden, Katie Auchettl, Joseph Bramante, Ilias Cholis, Ke Fang, Dan Hooper, Tanvi Karwal, Shirley Li
Physical Review D 96 103016

54. HAWC Observations Strongly Favor Pulsar Interpretations of the Cosmic-Ray Positron Excess
Dan Hooper, Ilias Cholis, Tim Linden, Ke Fang
Physical Review D 96 103013

53. Evidence for the Stochastic Acceleration of Secondary Antiprotons by Supernova Remnants
Ilias Cholis, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 95 123007

52. Low Mass X-Ray Binaries in the Inner Galaxy: Implications for MSPs and the GeV Excess
Daryl Haggard, Craig Heinke, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1705 05 056

51. Star-Forming Galaxies Significantly Contribute to the Isotropic Gamma-Ray Background
Tim Linden
Physical Review D 96 083001

50. The Angular Power Spectrum of diffuse gamma-rays measured by Fermi and DM constraints
M. Fornasa, A. Cuoco, J. Zavala, J. Gaskins, M. Sanchez-Conde, G. Gomez-Vargas, E. Komatsu, Tim Linden, F. Prada, F. Zandenel, A. Morselli
Physical Review D 94, 123005

49. The Gamma-Ray Pulsar Population of Globular Clusters: Implications for the GeV Excess
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1608 08 018

48. Indirect Detection Constraints on s and t Channel Simplified Models of Dark Matter
Linda Carpenter, Russell Colburn, Jessica Goodman, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 94 055027

47. Radio Galaxies Dominate the High-Energy Diffuse Gamma-Ray Background
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Alejandro Lopez
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1608 08 019

46. The High-Energy Tail of the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
Tim Linden, Nicholas Rodd, Benjamin Safdi, Tracy Slatyer
Physical Review D 94, 103013

45. Improved Cosmic-Ray Injection Models and the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
Eric Carlson, Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo
Physical Review D 94 063504

44. Is the Gamma-Ray Source J2212.5+0703 A Dark Matter Subhalo?
Bridget Bertoni, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1609 05 049

43. On the R-Process Enrichment of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
Joseph Bramante, Tim Linden
The Astrophysical Journal 826 1 57

42. A Predictive Analytic Model for the Solar Modulation of Cosmic Rays
Ilias Cholis, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 93 4 043016

41. Putting Things Back Where They Belong: Tracing Cosmic-Ray Injection with H2
Eric Carlson, Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo
Physical Review Letters 117 111101

40. Known Radio Pulsars Do Not Contribute to the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess
Tim Linden
Physical Review D 93 6 063003

39. Cluster Mergers and the Origin of the ARCADE-2 Excess
Ke Fang, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1610 10 004

38. The Galactic Center GeV Excess from a Series of Leptonic Cosmic-Ray Outbursts
Ilias Cholis, Carmelo Evoli, Francesca Calore, Tim Linden, Christoph Weniger, Dan Hooper
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1512 12 005

37. Examining the Fermi-LAT Third Source Catalog in Search of Dark Matter Subhalos
Bridget Bertoni, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1512 12 035

36. On the Gamma-Ray Emission from Reticulum II and Other Dwarf Galaxies
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 1509 09 016

35. The Galactic Center Excess in Gamma-Rays from Annihilation of Self-Interacting Dark Matter
Manoj Kaplinghat, Tim Linden, Haibo Yu
Physical Review Letters, 114 211303

34. On the Formation of Ultra-Luminous X-Ray Sources with NS Accretors: The Case of M82-X2
Tassos Fragos, Tim Linden, Vicky Kalogera, Panos Sklias
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 802 2041

33. The Anisotropy of the Extragalactic Radio Background from Dark Matter
Ke Fang, Tim Linden
Physical Review D 91 083501 (2015)

32. What Does the PAMELA Antiproton Spectrum Tell Us About Dark Matter?
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Philipp Mertsch
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 03 021 (2015)

31. Improving the Sensitivity to Dark Matter Annihilation in Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
Eric Carlson, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D, 91 061302 (2015)

30. A Critical Reevaluation of Radio Constraints on Annihilating Dark Matter
Ilias Cholis, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D, 91 083507 (2015)

29. Challenges in Explaining the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess with Millisecond Pulsars
Ilias Cholis, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 06 043 (2015)

28. A New Determination of the Spectrum and Luminosity Function of Millisecond Pulsars
Ilias Cholis, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Submitted to PRD

27. The Circular Polarization of Pulsar Wind Nebulae and the Cosmic-Ray Positron Excess
Tim Linden
The Astrophysical Journal 799 200 (2015)

26. Detecting Dark Matter with Imploding Pulsars in the Galactic Center
Joseph Bramante, Tim Linden
Physical Review Letters, 113 191301

25. Searching for Dark Matter Annihilation in the Smith High-Velocity Cloud
Alex Drlica-Wagner, German Gomez-Vargas, Jack Hewitt, Tim Linden, Luigi Tibaldo
The Astrophysical Journal, 790 24

24. Is the Ultra-High Energy Cosmic-Ray Excess Correlated with IceCube Neutrinos?
Ke Fang, Toshihiro Fujii, Tim Linden, Angela Olinto
The Astrophysical Journal, 794 126

23. The Characterization of the Gamma-Ray Signal from the Central Milky Way
Tansu Daylan, Doug Finkbeiner, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Stephen Portillo, Nicholas Rodd, Tracy Slatyer
Physics of the Dark Universe 12 2016 1

22. Antihelium from Dark Matter
Eric Carlson, Adam Coogan, Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo, Alejandro Ibarra, Sebastian Wild
Physical Review D, 89 076005

21. Tying Dark Matter to Baryons with Self-Interactions
Manoj Kaplinghat, Ryan Keeley, Tim Linden, Haibo Yu
Physical Review Letters, 113 021302 (2014)

20. Pulsars Cannot Account for the Inner Galaxy's GeV Excess
Dan Hooper, Ilias Cholis, Tim Linden, Jennifer Siegal-Gaskins, Tracy Slatyer
Physical Review D, 88 083009

19. A Clustering Analysis of the 130 GeV Gamma-Ray Feature
Eric Carlson, Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo, Christoph Weniger
Physical Review D, 88 043006

18. Probing the Pulsar Origin of the Positron Fraction with Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo
The Astrophysical Journal, 772 18

17. Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources in the Most Metal-Poor Galaxies
A. Prestwich, M. Tsantaki, A. Zezas, F. Jackson, T. Roberts, R. Foltz, Tim Linden, V. Kalogera
The Astrophysical Journal 769 2 92

16. Testing the WMAP-Planck Haze with Spiral Galaxies
Eric Carlson, Dan Hooper, Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 1307 026 (2013)

15. Chandra Observations of the Collisional Ring Galaxy NGC 922
A. Prestwich, J. Galache, Tim Linden, V. Kalogera, A. Zezas, T. Roberts, R. Kilgard, A. Wolter, G. Trinchieri
The Astrophysical Journal, 747 2 150

14. Are Lines from Unassociated Gamma-Ray Sources Evidence for Dark Matter Annihilation?
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D, 86 8 083532

13. Exploring the Nature of the GC Gamma-Ray Source with the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo
The Astrophysical Journal, 760 23 7

12. Gamma-Rays in the Fermi-LAT Data: Is it a Bubble?
Stefano Profumo, Tim Linden
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 007 011

11. The Morphology of Hadronic Emission Models for the Galactic Center
Tim Linden, Elizabeth Lovegrove, Stefano Profumo
The Astrophysical Journal, 753 1 41

10. The Isotropic Radio Background and Annihilating Dark Matter
Dan Hooper, Alexander Belikov, Tesla Jeltema, Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo, Tracy Slatyer
Physical Review D, 86 10 103003

9. Anisotropies in the Gamma-Ray Background Measured by the Fermi-LAT
The Fermi-LAT Collaboration: A. Cuoco, Tim Linden, N. Maziotta, J. Siegal-Gaskins, V. Vitale, E. Komatsu
Physical Review D, 85 8 083007

8. On The Rarity of X-Ray Binaries with Naked Helium Donors
Tim Linden, Francesca Valsecchi, Vicky Kalogera
The Astrophysical Journal, 748 2 114

7. Origin of Gamma-Rays from the Galactic Center
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physical Review D, 84 12 123005

6. Dark Matter and Synchrotron Emission from Galactic Center Radio Filaments
Tim Linden, Dan Hooper, Farhad Yusef-Zadeh
The Astrophysical Journal, 741 2 95

5. Gamma-Rays from the Galactic Center and the WMAP Haze
Dan Hooper, Tim Linden
Physics Review D, 83 8 083517 (2011)

4. The Effect of Starburst Metallicity on Bright X-Ray Binary Formation Pathways
Tim Linden, Vicky Kalogera, Jeremy Sepinsky, Andrea Prestwich, Andreas Zezas, Jay Gallagher
The Astrophysical Journal, 725 2 1984

3. The Morphology of Dark Matter Synchrotron Emission with Self-Consistent Diffusion Models
Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo, Brandon Anderson
Physical Review D, 82 6 228 063529

2. Systematic Effects in Extracting a ``Gamma-Ray Haze" from Spatial Templates
Tim Linden, Stefano Profumo
The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 714 2 228

1. Probing Electron-Capture Supernovae: X-Ray Binaries in Starbursts
Tim Linden, Jeremy Sepinsky, Vicky Kalogera, Chris Belczynski
The Astrophysical Journal, 699 2 1573 (2009)

Tim Linden

Assistant Professor, Stockholm University