
Here are a few projects I've worked on, which have been written up by the press, or otherwise have cool things associated with them. A special thanks goes out to all media members, visualization experts, funding agencies, and collaborators who made these possible.

Dark matter could make our galaxy's innermost stars immortal, May 31, 2024

Scientists unlocked solar patterns that could help understand space weather
Washington Post, April 21, 2024

Strange Solar Gamma Rays Discovered at Even Higher Energies
Quanta Magazine, February 27, 2023

Antihelium Offers Hope in the Search for Dark Matter
Wired, December 14, 2022

Antimatter particles could cross the galaxy without being destroyed
New Scientist, December 12, 2022

Four More Things You Might Not Know About Antimatter
Symmetry Magazine, August 9, 2022

Jupiter Could Make an Ideal Dark Matter Detector
Universe Today, April 9, 2021

The Sun is Stranger Than Astrophysicists Imagined
Quanta Magazine, May 1, 2019

Dark Matter Gets a Reprieve in New Analysis
Quanta Magazine, April 29, 2019

Strange gamma rays from the Sun may help decipher its magnetic fields
Science News, August 24, 2018

A Puzzling gamma-ray survey of the Sun
Physics Today, August 14, 2018

The Sun is Spitting Out Strange Patterns of Gamma Rays - And No One Knows Why
Scientific American, March 28, 2018

Galactic Glow, Thought to Be Dark Matter, Now Hints at Hidden Pulsars
Quanta Magazine, November 17, 2017

Water telescope uses gamma rays to track new kind of pulsar
New Scientist, April 11, 2017

Case weakens for antimatter sign of dark matter
Science Magazine, March 6, 2017

Pulsierender Sonnenschild
Pro Physik, March 3, 2016

Fixing the Sun's Magnetic Sway on Cosmic Rays
Physics World, February 25, 2016

The Particle That Broke a Cosmic Speed Limit
Quanta Magazine, May 14, 2015

Dark Matter Black Holes Could be Destroying Stars at the GC
Scientific American, November 10, 2014

Dark Matter: Devourer of Stars
Ars Technica, November 7, 2014

Missing Pulsars May Have Been Wrapped in Dark Matter and Turned into BHs
Wired, November 3, 2014

The Mystery of Dark Matter: WIMPS May Have the Answer
Time Magazine, April 8, 2014

Dark Matter May Be Destroying Itself in the Milky Way's Core
Scientific American, April 8, 2014

Fermi Telescope Detects Signal that Could Be Annihilating Dark Matter
Ars Technica, April 7, 2014

Best dark matter signal yet hints at heftier particles
New Scientist, April 4, 2014

Fermi Data Tantalize With New Clues To Dark Matter
NASA, April 3, 2014

Have We Spotted Dark Matter in the Milky Way?
Sky and Telescope Magazine, March 25, 2014

Dark matter looks more and more likely after new gamma-ray analysis
The Guardian, March 4, 2014

Signal From Galactic Center Is Looking More and More Like Dark Matter
Wired, March 3, 2014

Hints of lightweight dark matter get even stronger
New Scientist, May 10, 2013

NGC 922: Searching for the Best Black Hole Receipe
NASA, December 6, 2012

Hubble Sees a Galaxy Hit a Bulls-Eye
NASA/ESA, December 6, 2012

Dark Matter May Solve 'Radio Filaments' Mystery
BBC, June 29, 2011

Does Dark Matter Link Gamma-Rays to Galactic Haze?
Physics World, April 26, 2011

Tim Linden

Assistant Professor, Stockholm University